Drama Based Safety
“Empathy is everything in safety if we wish to influence others. A realistic piece of drama can create empathy in a manner difficult to achieve in any other way.”A highly effective medium for engaging the workforce in the drive for safety improvement is through the ARMS Ltd living case study. This is a shared learning experience involving a piece of drama researched and created to reflect what’s happening now within a client’s organisation.
We develop characters that everyone can relate to and place them into a fictional organisation, which mirrors the client’s own. Working with our actors and facilitators, delegates examine the situation from all points of view. They can then work together to resolve issues, share experiences and find new creative solutions to use in the ‘real world’ back in their business.
The effectiveness of our drama based safety is achieved through how we ensure it is relevant to both the client’s organisation and their existing safety culture.
Also see: Keepmoat H&S Conference Newsletter (pdf)
A client’s view on how we use Drama Based Safety.